Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BC Part 4. . .

On one of the last days of sunshine predicated we headed out to White Rock . .

I thought it was rather runny the constant shuffling of little ones that went on, Jaxon and Auntie Heather. . .
Lexi and me walking. . .
Lexi just took of with Jaxon and Megan, it was really cute and shocking all at the same time, since that would never happened at home. . .
Kai-bear enjoying getting dirty. . .
My two little Texans weren't quite ready for the Pacific ocean and got chilled rather quickly. . .
Boys being boys. . .

It is always fascinating to watch siblings interact. . .
Caily didn't hesitate to get in the water, but quickly grew chilled, she also wasn't feeling the best and didn't have a voice. . .
Jamie was the only adult with a swimsuit on, so he got water duty. . .
The young Becks. . .Sisters. . .
It was a fun day, I just wished that Caily could have been feeling %100, so she could have enjoyed it more fully. . .

1 comment:

Beck's Bulletin said...

That was such a fun day!